
Note-to-self: The Microsoft Security Newsletter

As a security IT pro, it’s always interesting to keep up to date with the latest security news.
And it’s even more easier if it gets delivered to you…

Check out the The Microsoft Security Newsletter, over here:

It provides a link to add the free newsletter subscription to your LiveID/MicrosoftID communication profile.

The latest (edition may 2014) new is here :



#FIM2010 newsletter – looking for more interesting resources

Since a while I’ve been on the lookout for interesting, blogs, articles, sites and feeds on FIM 2010.

I’ve been gathering them in a FIM 2010 weekly newletter on :

If you think there are sources missing from this, list, feel free to let me know.

So far, I found these:

And also

Blog feeds are filtered on keywords: FIM, FIM2010, “FIM 2010”, bhold

All suggestions are welcome to peter(at)fim2010(dot)com.